Boyce Technologies

Boyce Technologies

Ongoing Investments in Advanced Manufacturing Plant
Boyce Technologies Pearson Place Headquarters

Quick Look
Repurposing an industrial asset expands a manufacturing plant’s capacity, thanks to a funding strategy consisting of multiple strategies.
Boyce Technologies

Boyce Technologies

Ongoing Investments in Advanced Manufacturing Plant
Boyce Technologies Pearson Place Headquarters

Challenge No. 1

Boyce Technologies’ continued successis dependent on continuous investment in its advanced manufacturingcapabilities, despite having experienced exceptional growth generating morethan $50M in annual revenue. In addition, the company is committed to remainingin its LIC neighborhood.

Expanding operations locally was understood to be integralto Boyce’s ongoing commitment to New York City.

Boyce Technologies

Boyce Technologies

Ongoing Investments in Advanced Manufacturing Plant
Boyce Technologies Pearson Place Headquarters

Challenge No. 2

This was not your average capital improvements project, for it involved merging the structural systems of several adjoining, yet technically separate, buildings, and a series of complicated modifications: façade redesign, additions, and extensive internal renovations.Financing the complex expansion necessitated approaching the effort on multiple levels, such as reducing upfront project costs while addressing operational inefficiencies.

“The ThinkForward team expertly guided us through every stage of the planning and execution of our new advanced manufacturing plant, from the acquisition of the property to construction and equipment.”
Boyce Technologies

Boyce Technologies

Ongoing Investments in Advanced Manufacturing Plant
Boyce Technologies Pearson Place Headquarters

  1. We reduced upfront project costs and streamlined operating costs by securing tax incentives.
  2. Capital improvements were further made possible through a $1M cash grant, plus $1.6M in tax credits from Empire State Development.
  3. Ultimately, we secured more than $17M in cost-effective financing through a commercial bank and the Small Business Administration’s 504 program.
Best Solution
  • $17.35M bank + SBA financing
  • $2.6M NYS tax incentives and grants
  • $2.0M NYC Industrial Development incentives

We leveraged our relationships within government agencies, commercial banks, and the SBA—further augmenting the pool of potential funding sources: tax incentive programs, cash grants, tax credits, and cost-effective financing.

Boyce Technologies

Boyce Technologies

Ongoing Investments in Advanced Manufacturing Plant
Boyce Technologies Pearson Place Headquarters


The 100,000-square-foot gut renovation and new addition to Boyce’s existing industrial campus resulted in one integrated manufacturing facility and corporate headquarters.


Boyce Technologies represents the future in NorthAmerica for electronic design, advanced manufacturing, and integration. The company designs, manufacturers, and sells security and communications equipment for the mass transit market.

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Boyce Technologies

acquisition/ renovation/expansion

Ongoing Investments in Advanced Manufacturing Plant
Boyce Technologies Pearson Place Headquarters

Boyce Technologies’ continued successis dependent on continuous investment in its advanced manufacturingcapabilities, despite having experienced exceptional growth generating morethan $50M in annual revenue. In addition, the company is committed to remainingin its LIC neighborhood.

Expanding operations locally was understood to be integralto Boyce’s ongoing commitment to New York City.

This was not your average capital improvements project, for it involved merging the structural systems of several adjoining, yet technically separate, buildings, and a series of complicated modifications: façade redesign, additions, and extensive internal renovations.Financing the complex expansion necessitated approaching the effort on multiple levels, such as reducing upfront project costs while addressing operational inefficiencies.

  • $17.35M bank + SBA financing
  • $2.6M NYS tax incentives and grants
  • $2.0M NYC Industrial Development incentives

We leveraged our relationships within government agencies, commercial banks, and the SBA—further augmenting the pool of potential funding sources: tax incentive programs, cash grants, tax credits, and cost-effective financing.

  1. We reduced upfront project costs and streamlined operating costs by securing tax incentives.
  2. Capital improvements were further made possible through a $1M cash grant, plus $1.6M in tax credits from Empire State Development.
  3. Ultimately, we secured more than $17M in cost-effective financing through a commercial bank and the Small Business Administration’s 504 program.

The 100,000-square-foot gut renovation and new addition to Boyce’s existing industrial campus resulted in one integrated manufacturing facility and corporate headquarters.


Boyce Technologies

Manufacturing Facility & Headquarters


Quick Look

Repurposing an industrial asset expands a manufacturing plant’s capacity, thanks to a funding strategy consisting of multiple strategies.

“The ThinkForward team expertly guided us through every stage of the planning and execution of our new advanced manufacturing plant, from the acquisition of the property to construction and equipment.”


Challenge No. 1

Boyce Technologies’ continued successis dependent on continuous investment in its advanced manufacturingcapabilities, despite having experienced exceptional growth generating morethan $50M in annual revenue. In addition, the company is committed to remainingin its LIC neighborhood.

Expanding operations locally was understood to be integralto Boyce’s ongoing commitment to New York City.

Challenge No. 2

This was not your average capital improvements project, for it involved merging the structural systems of several adjoining, yet technically separate, buildings, and a series of complicated modifications: façade redesign, additions, and extensive internal renovations.Financing the complex expansion necessitated approaching the effort on multiple levels, such as reducing upfront project costs while addressing operational inefficiencies.

  1. We reduced upfront project costs and streamlined operating costs by securing tax incentives.
  2. Capital improvements were further made possible through a $1M cash grant, plus $1.6M in tax credits from Empire State Development.
  3. Ultimately, we secured more than $17M in cost-effective financing through a commercial bank and the Small Business Administration’s 504 program.
Game Plan
  1. We reduced upfront project costs and streamlined operating costs by securing tax incentives.
  2. Capital improvements were further made possible through a $1M cash grant, plus $1.6M in tax credits from Empire State Development.
  3. Ultimately, we secured more than $17M in cost-effective financing through a commercial bank and the Small Business Administration’s 504 program.

The 100,000-square-foot gut renovation and new addition to Boyce’s existing industrial campus resulted in one integrated manufacturing facility and corporate headquarters.


Boyce Technologies represents the future in NorthAmerica for electronic design, advanced manufacturing, and integration. The company designs, manufacturers, and sells security and communications equipment for the mass transit market.

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