
Getting Started

Meet our team


Specialist, Quantitative & Credit Analysis

Gregg brings his significant technology expertise and experience with major Wall Street companies to small, community-based organizations.


  • Experienced in structured capital market transactions
  • Authority in infrastructure financing for NYC/NYS agencies
  • Specialist in lease financing structures
  •  FINRA Series 7, 27, 50, 54, 63 licenses


  • Financial advisor, NJ Economic Development Authority
  • Snr. quantitative analyst for investment banking industry
  • Developer, loan securitization programs
  • Developer, Prudential in-house bond analytic systems
  • Developer, treasury portfolio optimization models


Specialist, Quantitative & Credit Analysis


  • Experienced in structured capital market transactions
  • Authority in infrastructure financing for NYC/NYS agencies
  • Specialist in lease financing structures
  •  FINRA Series 7, 27, 50, 54, 63 licenses
Career Highlights


  • Financial advisor, NJ Economic Development Authority
  • Snr. quantitative analyst for investment banking industry
  • Developer, loan securitization programs
  • Developer, Prudential in-house bond analytic systems
  • Developer, treasury portfolio optimization models
Education & Certifications
Focus on Development Financing
Strengthening Neighborhoods through Economic Growth
At the NYCEDC, as with subsequent work, Sunil fueled innovation and economic growth through assisting small and emerging businesses, including nonprofit organizations and manufacturing companies. By maintaining strong relationships with economic development agencies, the banking community, bond and tax credit equity investors, and community development lenders, Sunil helped ensure the long-term viability and success of local enterprises. For example, during his term at the NYCEDC, he routinely reduced operating costs for businesses through capitalizing on incentive programs and grants.


The Origins of ThinkForward Financial
As founder and chief visionary of ThinkForward, Sunil saw a unique opportunity in 2009 to assemble a diverse team of experts from major investment banking and real estate firms and government agencies. He could now offer growing enterprises the full spectrum of financing options, the result of having amassed deep benchmarks, resources, and critical industry relationships.
You Have a Project.
You Have Questions.
You Have a Funding Need.
A 10-minute conversation can go a long way toward answering your questions. We may also be able to connect you to the right resources and people to help you.
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